What is a Casino?


A casino is a gambling establishment offering an array of games for money. Customers gamble by placing bets on particular outcomes, in some cases with an element of skill (as in blackjack and video poker). Most casino games have mathematically determined odds that give the house an advantage over players. This advantage is called the house edge. Casinos profit from the difference between these odds and the amounts paid out to winning bettors. Other sources of casino profits include complimentary items and drinks, the percentage of money returned to losing players (“payouts”) and the commission charged to player-poker tables (called the rake).

While the casino industry is notorious for its lack of regulation, most states have legalized casinos, with some exceptions. Casinos may be built near or combined with hotels, resorts, restaurants, retail shops, and other attractions. Some casinos also offer live entertainment like concerts and shows.

Many casinos have elaborate surveillance systems to spot cheating or illegal activities. These systems usually consist of a network of cameras that monitor every table, window, and doorway. The camera systems can be adjusted to focus on suspicious patrons by security workers in a separate room filled with banks of security monitors. In addition, casinos use chips instead of real money to make it harder for players to keep track of their losses, and they monitor the exact amount of bets placed minute-by-minute to quickly discover statistical deviations. These technologies are often used to monitor the operations of electronic slot machines, but they are also being extended to other casino games.

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